The Next Step in Wellness Plans for Employers

Deeply personalized exercise plans with no required equipment.
Specific actions, not just general information.
No in-person or online coaching costs.
Early detection and rehabilitation of conditions before they become claims.

Well Known Problems

Musculoskeletal Conditions

  • The #1 cause of long-term disability

  • Musculoskeletal conditions are estimated to account for one-third of injury and illness costs in U.S. industry

  • Productivity lost to chronic pain, even without absense

High Blood Pressure

  • 1 in 3 Americans

  • Increased Cost For Employees With HBP : $760 more per year

  • If HBP Deteriorates To Heart Disease Employer’s Cost $10,000 more per employee per year

  • Employer's Average Cost For A Stroke Or Heart Attack: Negotiated Price $100,000 - Billed Cost $1 Million

  • Reducing blood pressure by 10 pts cuts the risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%

Wellness Program ROI

  • Moving employees from high- and medium-risk to low-risk chronic disease status yields an ROI of 6 to 1 for annual health care claims

  • For every dollar spent on employee wellness, medical costs fall $3.27 and cost of absenteeism drops $2.73

Healthcare Costs for American Employers

Average over $10k/yr in direct costs per employee. It is well established that these costs can be reduced, and further benefits seen to productivity, health, and happiness with even moderate amounts of exercise.  

Existing Solutions Fall Short

The existing corporate wellness industry focuses on information and incentive programs encouraging healthier lifestyles, but their advice is generic and impersonal and engagement is generally low.

AHP evaluates each employee every month and makes detailed, personalized exercise plans that work for each individual’s goals.

The best on-premises facilities are no use to the people working remotely and even generous gym reimbursements go unused.

AHP makes access to these things optional, not the required first step.

Equipment and access to facilities is not enough - you need to know what to do once there. The biggest improvements to health will be for people who have little experience with exercise.

AHP programs start easy, have in-app video instruction, and are tailored to each person’s level of fitness and experience.

Existing injuries, health conditions, and joint pain are a challenge to getting started for many people - but avoiding exercise just makes it more likely to have worse problems in the future! Musculoskeletal conditions (MSK) need to be addressed before they become Workers Comp Claims.

AHP provides early detection and intervention for MSK conditions, and effective rehab to correct problems before they become critical and expensive.

Implementation and Management

Management Portal

User management, reporting, and other administrative features are provided on the web through our Client Portal and through email and phone contact with our staff.

Engagement Solutions

There are many successful ways to incentivise the use of wellness programs. Our team can work with you to structure the plan for your business.

Data and Privacy

As our client you will have access to a see de-identified engagement data and aggregate workforce health status and trends which, over time, can be correlated with healthcare expenditure. At all times, we will take due care to protect sensitive information.

Health Care and Insurance

We have found that the various parties in the corporate health insurance business are happy to work with AHP. Talk to us about your specific situation if you have any questions.