• Are you a gym?

    No. But we know a couple of very good ones in Portland ME.

  • Is this remote video-coaching?

    Nope, no live meetings. Certified trainers have built our system and oversee the workouts that we send out, but you probably won’t ever need to talk to them. We do have recorded videos to show how to perform our many, many, exercises.

  • What if I have a gym?

    In the monthly survey you can tell us what equipment you have access to (including a full gym). We will recommend lots of interesting exercises that use whatever equipment you have. Our workouts take reasonable amounts of floor-space, but they are not the traditional iron-pumping gym routines that people around you will expect, so be a good neighbor and watch that you don’t bump anyone in a crowded gym 😅

  • What equipment do I need?

    Nothing at all. We can make really good workouts using only yourself, maybe a wall, and maybe some stairs — and the floor. Got to have a floor - or the ground - but not water, we don’t have a swim-program…

  • I have no idea what I'm doing

    that’s not a question?

    We get it though -- and that’s exactly why we made this thing. It takes a lot of knowledge to put together a workout plan that is right for a specific person - and then learning the techniques to safely use equipment and perform exercises is hard to do without a live coach. Our solution (developed by our professionals over decades of coaching) is to change the exercises to ones that are easy to learn and hard to hurt yourself with. Watch the videos a few times, take it slow, keep the weights small. Ask people for help - contact us and we can try to improve the instructions so everyone benefits.

  • What if I have an injury or pain when doing certain movements?

    This is one of the main reasons people don’t exercise. But the right exercises can help rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, or at least work around your conditions to get you fitter without causing pain. We spend a lot of time developing special workouts for all of the (many) common limitations and conditions that people have. The survey goes very deep into recording and evaluating your orthopedic conditions. One of the things we are most proud of is how our programs can get people relief from problems that have held them back for years and regain function, reduce pain, and open up new activities.

  • Is this a 'wellness' course - will there be a quiz?

    You may have us confused with other ‘wellness’ programs that just give you some videos and tell you to eat your vegetables. We like videos, and vegetables - but prefer Action and Tacos. To be clear : Each month we evaluate you and give you personalized and specific exercises to do a couple of times each week. Then you do those workouts at home or in a gym. There is no quiz, but there is lots of homework.

  • Is a hotdog a sandwich?

    No. It is a taco.

  • Do I need a gym?

    You do not need a gym. Also, you do not need barbells, machines, or those big, heavy, ropes. You don’t even need shoes, really. The whole point of AHP is remove the obstacles to pursuing a fitness routine. Equipment, Facilities, Time, and Expense are real problems and we make workouts you can do almost anywhere. No gym membership, no expensive equipment, no driving to the rec-center, no hunting for parking. Gyms are great, but at home you don’t even need to wear shoes.

  • Does it work on Android?

    Yes. The survey and the workout app use standard web technology that will work on any smartphone, computer or tablet. There is nothing special to purchase or install.

  • Does it work on iPhone?

    For sure. It's all standard website technology with nothing special to purchase or install.

  • Does it work on my 1997 Motorola StarTAC flip-phone?

    No, but it’s very cool that you still use that. You will have to find a computer, with a network connection or dial-up modem, and e-mail (AOL might work, but we have not tried)