Six Workout Programs

Basic - Best for out-of-shape people starting out

Intermediate - Under the age of 70 with moderate fitness

Advanced - Under the age of 60 with good fitness

Athletic - Under the age of 40 with at least moderate fitness

These programs are suitable for everyone:

Stretching - Easy to do and always feels good

Core - Looks easy, but you’ll feel it

The workouts are carefully constructed to make efficient use of your time to exercise your whole body. The order of the exercises is somewhat important, but the exact number of sets and reps and durations is up to you - don’t push yourself too hard, and never try to work through pain.

No special equipment is needed and you can do these at home, outside, or in a gym.


rep” - A repetition, the movement that you repeat in an exercise. Example: A single push-up.

set” - A set is one group of all the reps of an exercise. Example: 10 push-ups. Usually you will do more than one set for an exercise and take a short pause between sets.

combo“ - A combo is more than one exercise meant to be done together. So, you alternate one set of exercise A and one set of exercise B. Then, repeat exercise A and B until you finish all the sets of both exercises. This way your muscles recover from A while you are doing B and you don’t waste any time just resting. Sometimes this is called a “superset”. In the workouts, you will often see two exercises grouped together with one mention of the number of sets to do — this is a combo.